Ways to motivate the employees to Wear ID Badges

Everyone is aware about the value of wearing the ID badges, but if you are not still aware of it, then you can begin here. Now, the question here is how to encourage and to inspire your employees to wear their Id badges without seeming to appear as an oppressor.
Here are the 5 steps that you may take in promoting the wearing of ID badge as a culture within your office.

1. Lead as the best example It is always a culture that the “hen will lead and her chicks will follow”. It also goes the same in the office or in an organization, that for them to follow, they must see that you are doing it as well. It must begin from the top, the department heads, the supervisors, then falls down to the staffs. If the company’s leaders are not wearing the company ID badges, how are you supposed to tell them to wear theirs if you are not wearing yours!
2. Reward the positive behavior Reward randomly those employees that are using their badges. Reward them differently according to the many times you see them wearing it. You can start the reward by giving them a free $5 coffee or sandwich when you had breakfast together, and so those that are not wearing it will be encouraged to do so. When this becomes a trend in your office, you don’t need to give them coffee and a sandwich every now and then, instead give them an added Christmas or birthday bonus, and tell them that the bonuses increases because of their being obedient with the company policy regarding the wearing of ID badges. This will be more useful to them than coffee and sandwiches.
3. Customized the ID into something that they will love to wear

An overall design is very important, but there are some few steps that you can take. Start with the photo. Make sure that their pictures are the best one, so they will be proud to show it to anyone. Add a special mark in their badges, like their length of service in the company, special awards that they received, like being the “best salesman of the year”. Make your employees proud to wear their badges because of what has been written there that will speak of their personality.
4. Give them choices
When it’s time to decide about options on how and where to display their ID badges, consult them! This will make them feel that they really belong and not just a paid employee that is working to earn. Your employee ideas base on their experiences and what will be convenient for them is important and this may alleviate usual complaints like pairing with their outfit. Allow them to select from the many options of colors and styles available and have a majority vote.

5. Branding
It is always like this. Employees are proud to say what they represent and where they are working. Allow them to show off the business brand, loud and be proud. Custom badge reels in the customized lanyards come in a diversity of alternatives and will help create the sense of teamwork and help in uniting the employees to a common goal.
6. Access to exclusive discounts There are some organizations that offer their employees a significant measure of advantages by using their ID badges. Some of these are ticketed rebates, eatery rebates, and a lot more. The employees may access to different rebates by showing their ID badges to the organizations that their company is affiliated at.
Einst Urown, 2018, Ways to motivate the employees to Wear ID Badges
KleerTech,2017, All-In-One Badge, Access 2018